Specialty Pharma Events: Knowledge Transfer within the Network 

Specialist knowledge achieves more when it’s shared. The various Medios network events enable experts to compare experiences and exchange practical tips. 

A Pioneer of Individualized Medicine

As Specialty Pharma experts, we ensure people everywhere have reliable access to the most innovative pharmacotherapies.

Learn from each other in many different ways 


We are not only a reliable supplier of medicinal products and an experienced specialist in the compounding of patient-specific therapies, but also a dedicated mentor in our broad partnership network. We offer an extensive program of in-depth professional events, which all focus on Specialty Pharma. 

In addition to providing information about hot topics, the latest developments, and practical tips, our main goal is to facilitate personal exchange and networking among our partners. We facilitate this at our Day, Hour, Meet-up, and Minute events. 

Why not benefit from our expert competence and get inspired by our broad range of training and networking events for yourself and your colleagues?

»A successful event with inspiring exchanges among experts, valuable insights into future topics, and the opportunity to expand my network – that's what the Specialty Pharma Day means to me.«

Day: Exclusive Day Event
Once a year we invite our partners to our Specialty Pharma Day. The varied program focuses on a specific topic and features well-known speakers, providing an opportunity for everyone to enhance their network.

Hour: Medios Talks
For this event we hold 60 to 90-minute presentations on varying topics followed by a discussion, which you can participate in live on-site or online.


Meet-up: Open Networking Event
Networking events, expert meet-ups, and open days are held regularly, providing an opportunity to chat in a relaxed atmosphere and share experiences with other experts.

Minute: Medios as Guest
It can be for interviews, panel discussions, or presentations: in our Minutes format we provide our Medios experts as speakers for conferences and other events.

Innovation Needs Networks

A more efficient care of highly innovative therapies for everyone is only possible if we work together.

We call it: Partnership intelligence.

Medios has focused on the innovative area of individualized medicine, and together with pharmacies, medical specialists, and pharmaceutical companies across Europe we enable the most innovative pharmacotherapies for everybody. Continuous dialogue in our ever-growing partner network helps us to build the platform this requires, make important contacts, and promote cooperation between all participants.

About Medios


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